Custom Phone Cases!! Shop for them at the...!chantellaviala/c1aaf
The recent collaboration between Chantella & the itailors is bound to satisfy all those boring, artless mobiles out there screaming for a new look! The cases feature original pieces of art by Chantella Viala. Cases are only $20 each!
Available for iPhone 4/4s iPhone 5/5c/5s | Galaxy S3/S4/S5 & iPods
(some of the designs featured below may now be out of print, to shop current cases please click the link above)
Available for iPhone 4/4s iPhone 5/5c/5s | Galaxy S3/S4/S5 & iPods
(some of the designs featured below may now be out of print, to shop current cases please click the link above)
Click link below to SHOP!chantellaviala/c1aaf!chantellaviala/c1aaf

Credit for comic book paintings, obviously they are all based off iconic comic book covers/art but re-created in my signature style with new additions and backgrounds, i still want to credit the ppl who inspired me...Guardians Of The Galaxy #8, Greg Land, Hildebrandt Brothers for Wolverine.